A Chiropractor Can Help Manage Your Muscle Pain

A Chiropractor Can Help Manage Your Muscle Pain

Muscle pain can be caused by many factors, such as injuries sustained during sports or overuse. The most common muscle pain in our modern world is neck or back pain that is caused by bad posture when working at a desk for extended periods of time without rest. In some cases, muscle pain can be resolved quite easily or can even go away on its own after a rest or a stretch, but for other cases, it might not be so. When unresolved, muscle pain can not only slow you down but can affect your daily life terribly when you face nagging discomfort and have problems carrying out certain movements. During such times, seeking help from a chiropractor will be the best solution.

Inflammation and How It is Related to Muscle Pain

Typically, muscle pain is caused by a misalignment in the spine, causing more stress on the joints and muscles so as to lessen the load of the misalignment through compensation. When the joints and muscles are overworked in order to compensate for the spinal misalignment, muscle pain occurs. At the same time, during an injury, infection, or irritation in the body, the cells affected will send out a signal through the nerves and the body’s immune system will respond through the production of inflammation. This process is a natural essential function in the body to fight against such problems so that the body can recover. Although this is the natural way for the body to recover, inflammation if left untreated for a long period of time can lead to a downward spiral for the health condition of the body, hence, help from a professional will be necessary.

What a Chiropractor Can Do for You When It Comes to Muscle Pain

In order to reduce pain and inflammation as well as to heal from a muscle injury, there are various ways a chiropractor can use to help you. Here are some techniques that a chiropractor can adopt:

  • Ultrasound therapy – where the use of sound waves to generate ‘deep heat’ enter deep into the muscle tissues that increases the delivery of oxygen through the increase of blood flow
  • Heat therapy – through the use of heat, this form of therapy increases the flow of oxygen to the affected tissues in order to hasten the rate of healing. Heat also loosens the muscles when it comes to stiffness and lessens the pain.
  • Cold therapy – usually the first step to reducing pain and inflammation when an injury occurs to ease swelling, inflammation, pain, or bruising.

Seek Help for Your Muscle Pain

When it comes to muscle pain, it is definitely something that we shouldn’t ignore. The best way to get it treated is to go through the natural approach. Let our highly experienced and professional chiropractors here at RejuvenX help you! We are more than happy to share knowledge on pain management so that you will be able to take care of yourself better. Contact us for more information about muscle pain or to simply make an appointment today!

Picture of Vamtam

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