Watch Out For These Common Delayed Injuries After A Car Accident

Watch Out For These Common Delayed Injuries After A Car Accident

Unfortunately, car accidents are all too common occurrences nowadays. While you may think you had a lucky break if you escaped from a car accident with only minor injuries or seemingly unscathed, you should never discount the potential onset of delayed injuries. In this article, we share with you more about common delayed injuries you may experience after a car accident.  

Understanding Delayed Injuries

Symptoms of delayed injuries can take days or weeks to show up, following your accident. One reason for this is that your body may still be in adrenaline shock after the accident, masking any symptoms you would otherwise normally feel. A delayed response can also be caused by the trauma your mind and body experienced. As soon as you feel the symptoms of a delayed injury, seek out medical attention. The longer you wait, the higher the chances of developing long-term consequences.

Back Pain

One common symptom you may experience following a car accident is neck and back pain. This can be indicative of several conditions, including whiplash and herniated discs. Back pain can be caused by your spinal alignments being pushed out of place. Over time, this can limit your mobility and make going about your day-to-day life challenging.

To ensure that you get the best care for your back pain, turn to a chiropractor. They are better equipped to assess your condition and decide on the best course of treatment for you, gently coaxing your bones back into alignment and focusing on rebuilding muscle strength in your body. 

Numbness or Tingling

While you may expect muscle soreness after a car accident, one symptom many victims are unprepared for is numbness or tingling sensations. This is a symptom of whiplash, when your spinal bones get pushed out of alignment from the impact. This can feel like having pins and needles in your extremities and is typically caused by nerve damage around the spine. Regardless of how soon or further into the future after your accident you start experiencing this, it is crucial to seek out treatment immediately.

Abdominal Pain

Do you find that you start to experience abdominal pain days after the accident? If so, it’s not something to be ignored. Abdominal pain can often be a telltale sign of internal bleeding. Internal bleeding can be life-threatening, and you should always be seen by a medical professional as soon as possible.

Car Accident After Care Services Can Be Lifesaving

If you have been involved in a car accident, engaging car accident aftercare services can be lifesaving. You may have delayed injuries that you are unaware of at this point in time, but the longer they are ignored and left untreated, the more serious the long-term ramifications of these complications. When you come to us, our team of experienced physicians, chiropractors, and therapists at RejuvenX can assess the severity of your condition, recommending the best treatment plan for you. Contact us to schedule an appointment at any of our five locations in Florida.

Disclaimer: No information on this article is purposive to substitute professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice.

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