Neck Hurting After A Car Accident?

Neck Hurting After A Car Accident?

Your neck is one of the body parts that is most likely to be injured after a car accident. While the rest of your body is strapped in by a seatbelt, your neck doesn’t have that luxury. This causes it to undergo rapid back and forth movement upon impact, which can damage the tendons, nerves and muscles in that area. In this article, you can find out more about how to handle neck pain after an accident, what causes it, and more. 

Understanding Neck Pain

Unfortunately, some individuals may experience delayed neck pain in the aftermath of a car accident. This delayed reaction can be due to their bodies still being in a state of shock, or the resulting adrenaline rush in the aftermath of the accident.  At the first sign of neck pain, never hesitate to get it checked out by a doctor or medical professional.

Left untreated, this can result in more severe conditions that can impair your regular level of mobility and functioning. There are plenty of treatment options open to you, including chiropractic care. Instead of relying on pain medication to take the edge off temporarily, you will benefit from trying out natural approaches for pain management and rehabilitation.


One of the most common causes of neck pain following a car accident, is whiplash. This happens when the spinal bones in the neck and upper cervical spine become misaligned due to the rapid back and forth movement experienced during the accident. Left untreated, whiplash can result in chronic neck pain, mobility issues, degenerative disc diseases, and other serious long term conditions. Therefore, it’s important to seek out timely medical attention for your neck pain. At RejuvenX, posture rehab services are just one of several treatment options we can provide. 

Vertebral Injuries

Another possible cause of your neck pain is vertebral injuries to your cervical spine. When the uppermost vertebrae in the neck move out of its proper alignment, the result is a vertebral injury. This injury causes limited mobility, pain, an altered posture, and nerve signaling issues. An issue with nerve signaling can affect your mobility, as the communication system between the brain and the spine gets disrupted. Seeking out timely treatment is your best bet for a speedy recovery.

Let RejuvenX Assist You with Neck Pain Recovery Following a Car Accident

If you are looking for car accident after care services because of the neck pain you are experiencing, turn to RejuvenX. We have an experienced team of professionals who are dedicated to helping you heal and educating you on the proper care techniques for your spine and joints. It’s wise to get checked out as soon as possible after a car accident to avoid insurance claim denial. With five locations throughout Florida – Bradenton, Fort Myers, Port Charlotte, Royal Palm Beach and West Palm Beach – you can drop into any of our clinics for a consultation. Feel free to contact us to schedule your appointment.

Disclaimer: No information on this article is purposive to substitute professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice.

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