Pinched Nerves After A Car Accident: Signs & Treatment

Pinched Nerves After A Car Accident: Signs & Treatment

After a car accident, you may suffer from various common injuries, including whiplash, muscle pain and soreness, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) such as concussions. However, one injury isn’t as commonly talked about as the others, pinched nerves. Although it may not sound serious, if left untreated, pinched nerves can eventually result in more serious symptoms. In this article, we share with you more about pinched nerves, how they occur, and the treatment options available to you.  

What are the Causes Pinched Nerves?

One reason pinched nerves can be serious is due to the role that nerves play in our bodies. Nerves are responsible for communication between the various parts of our bodies and our brain through electrical impulses. When these nerves sustain damage, the system of communication is disrupted, like a faulty cell tower, and you can experience changes in day-to-day functioning of bodily processes.

Depending on the point of impact, different nerves can get pinched during a car accident. For instance, whiplash can affect nerves near the neck and head, whereas if you suffered an injury elsewhere on your body, the nerves surrounding the site of laceration can be similarly affected. Nerve damage can also be the result of herniated discs and spine injuries.

Symptoms of Pinched Nerves

In the immediate aftermath of an accident, you may not notice that you are suffering from pinched nerves, as certain symptoms can be delayed. Regardless of when you start experiencing symptoms, seeking immediate medical attention is important. Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • Numbness or tingling in a specific body part – this can come and go at ireregular periods or become consistent as time passes
  • Muscle twitching or spasms
  • Skin around the area becomes particularly sensitive, such as in response to extreme temperature conditions

Unlike most other injuries resulting from car accidents, pinched nerves do not necessarily present themselves in an obvious manner, making it even more important to observe your symptoms and act on them expediently. Left untreated, loss of motion or even paralysis can eventually set in.

Seeking Treatment

You should never live with the pain of pinched nerves or wait for it to heal by itself. Instead of relying on pain medication, natural approaches to pain management can help your body heal by targeting the root of the problem. When you come to RejuvenX for the car accident aftercare services you need, we take the time to conduct an initial evaluation before recommending the best treatment options for you. This can include chiropractic treatment, neuropathy, laser therapy, postural rehab, and more.

RejuvenX Can Get You Started Towards Recovery

One important thing to remember after being involved in a car accident, is never to suffer in silence, voice out your concerns. Our team of dedicated professionals at RejuvenX are committed to making a positive difference in our patients’ lives. To that end, we focus on imparting knowledge on spine and joint care to our patients, on top of seeing them through a suitable treatment regime for their injuries and condition. To schedule an appointment, feel free to contact us today.

Disclaimer: No information on this article is purposive to substitute professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice.

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